
International Camp

orange county international camp

Making Friendships at Camp


We love having international families at Camp James Orange County International Camp! All international families must have two US phone numbers. In the case of an emergency, we cannot rely on international numbers. We also cannot solely rely on email address only. 

Failure to provide working US phone numbers may result in removal of your child from camp. You must also have a US address. Hotels are okay for this case. Next, you must also provide medical insurance for your child. Parents need to be able to pick their child up within 30 minutes in the event of an emergency.

All campers who attend camp must be able to speak and understand English proficiently. They do not need to speak perfect English. However, it does mean that they must be able to follow directions and address what they need.

Additionally, they need to listen and understand safety instructions, as well as communicate with their peers and leaders. This allows them to be a part of the Orange County International Camp community. 

Maybe you have a child who is not communicating daily in English. Unfortunately, our Orange County International Camp might not be suited for them. This is for the sake of their own safety.

We group campers by age. If they are attending with relatives, unless they are the same age, they may not see the relative at camp as each group has different activities. Your child needs to be prepared for being separated from their parents at drop off. They also need to be ready for a different type of experience than school. When your child is ready, there is no place quite like Camp James. It gives kids a truly unforgettable summer experience!

For Children Ages 5 - 13

Is my Child Ready?

Deciding if your child is ready for our Orange County International Camp for kids is important to the success a child will have at camp. 

Involve your child in deciding whether to come to Camp James by letting them look at our website and having a discussion. Children who want to go to camp, as opposed to those who feel forced to go to camp, tend to have more positive experiences.

Camp starts at age 5 your child must be fully potty trained. Also, we do not recommend sending your child to camp as their first time away from their parents.  FYI Fully potty trained means being able to wipe themselves independently and being able to pull their own pants up!

Moreover, young campers who have already attended preschool or daycare tend to do better in this large camp environment. This is because it requires even our youngest campers to demonstrate independence for themselves within our activities and outdoor adventures.

Camp James Orange County International Camp is made up of all types of campers and team members. We offer numerous activities at Camp James. Therefore, we get a wide variety of different personalities and backgrounds that join our camp.

Make sure your child knows what to expect from camp, specifically that activities are scheduled for them. Some activities may not be their favorite… yet. We encourage campers to try new things. This will help them build resilience, self determinism and grow. 

orange county international camp

Families that have children with special needs should contact our office prior to registering to be sure Camp James can make the necessary accommodations. 

To be a camper at Camp James without professional support a child must be able to feed, dress, and use the bathroom on their own. A child must be able to be in a group setting at Camp James Orange County International Camp, transition from one location to another, and follow directions. Campers must be able to participate safely for themselves, peers, and camp leadership. 

If your child runs away, will not move during transitions, will not stay with the group and behaves in a harmful manner (towards self or others) parents will be asked to pick up their camper. Referrals to more appropriate programs and refunds (for unused tuition) will be made in these circumstances. If our camp is not a good fit, we are hoping to help you find a better fit for your child’s needs.

Am I ready for my child to go to the orange county international camp during summer?

In many cases, your child is ready for camp, but you as a parent may not be. It is hard to leave your precious ones with a camp like ours that has so many activities going on. You need to feel comfortable when you send your child to camp. Our staff has one goal to achieve and that is to make camp a positive experience for the children in our care.

It is normal to have some hesitation leaving your child to be cared for by others but if you have a strong sense that you must remain on the Orange County International Camp grounds, will need an hourly check-in from our office that your child is fine, only allow your child to attend if they can keep their cell phone, or spend your entire day worrying about the welfare of your child, we strongly suggest you wait to enroll your child in the camp until you are ready for them to be a camper. 

Becoming a camper is a rite of passage in a way; it is a chance for your child to show their independence from their family take on personal responsibilities and grow. If you feel you or your child is not ready to participate in our Orange County International Camp quite yet, we hope you give us a try when both you and your camper are ready. If you would like a 15-minute consultation about our camp or other camps and your decisions for summer, give us a call. We are happy to chat.