
Summer Camp Enrollment Policies


Registration is available online only and a computer is recommended. Minimum enrollment is required; see tuition page. Sessions are 1 week, 5 consecutive days.

For campers registering before March 14th, a $300 non-refundable deposit is collected at the time of the reservation per family along with a $35 non-refundable registration fee per camper, and 50% of the balance due on March 14th. Payment in full is due on May 12th. Campers registering on or after May 12th must pay in full at the time of registration. The camp contracts for staff services, expenses, and program needs based on confirmed enrollments. Camp relies on fees for the continuous and uninterrupted operation of its program. Camp registration fee and deposit must be paid in full without deduction or allowance for absence or withdrawal of camper.

A 10% discount is given for each additional sibling after the first. Discounts apply to enrollment of equal or lesser value and are not valid with any other discounted offer. Early bird rates and multiple-day discounts are also available (see the DATES and RATES page for details).  

There is a $25 charge for all returned checks.

There is a $20 fee for late payments.

There are no cancellations and/or refunds of any day, week, or session. Cancellations for camp credit only (minus the non-refundable fees) will be accepted with 2 weeks’ notice of the first date being dropped.

There are no refunds.  

We continue to stand by our safety ratios on group sizes/ratios and have set sessions. We often fill up our groups so changing sessions might be difficult/not possible but we will do our best to work with you to try to find solutions. Overbooking a group is not something we will do. Space permitting, a one-time move of a week may be made in writing two weeks before the date in question. Subsequent changes would include a $25 administrative fee.

There are no make-up days, refunds, or credits for days missed.  Please contact the office asap for extended illness.

We are committed to working with you. The parent (or guardian) should notify the Camp Director about a camp-related problem immediately. See us in person, call us, email us as soon as possible with your concerns. Should the Camp Director consider it necessary to dismiss your child from camp for behavior or conduct deemed detrimental to the child, other campers, the camp program, or its staff, there are no refunds. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. 

Camp James realizes that the partnership with parents is important to making this a successful experience for all. Parents are expected to support policies, rules, and operating procedures as we strive to create an emotionally and physically safe environment for the staff and families we serve. It is expected that parents/guardians act with civility towards the Camp James community, including our staff, families, local residents, and their dogs. Our parking crew is made up of lifeguards, arts and crafts specialists, counselors, and archery instructors, treat them kindly please as they work hard to keep your child safe at camp. Unacceptable parent behavior, including but not limited to actively undermining any camp policy/operating process, harassing, and aggressive behavior on the camp site, by phone, online, or in the parking lot, may result in termination from Camper’s enrollment without a refund.   Camp reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.

We want all children to thrive at camp. It is important for parents to know that our team will work hard to make it a positive experience. Parents need to inform us if there are areas of concern prior to camp and be ready to offer suggestions as to how we may make it a successful summer. In order to provide a positive experience for our campers, we have guidelines and rules in place. These rules are for the safety of children, staff, and the public that we occasionally encounter . For some campers, our camp may not be a good fit. Campers who pose a danger to themselves or others (emotionally or physically) may be asked to leave camp. If your child is not yet ready for camp due to various reasons (cannot independently toilet themselves, cannot feed themselves, cannot stay with the group, medical needs that we cannot meet due to lack of medical staff on site) your child may be asked to leave camp. Please see “Is my child ready for camp?” section of our website. This may help you decide whether your child is ready for camp. Call or email us if you have questions or concerns, and we can help you with your decision-making.  Camp reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.