
Is My Child Ready for Summer Camp?

summer camp for kids

Camp James summer camp for kids - an unforgettable experience for your child!


Deciding if you child is ready for camp is important in the success a child will have at camp. Involve your child in coming to Camp James summer camp for kids by bringing them to a Camp James open house and or letting them look at our website. 

Children who want to go to camp, as opposed to those who feel forced to go to camp, tend to have a better time overall.

Camp starts at age 5 as well as fully potty trained. However, we do not recommend sending your child to camp as their first time away from Mom and Dad. 

Young campers who have already attended pre-school or some form of daycare tend to do better in this large camp environment that requires even our youngest campers to demonstrate independence and self–reliance.

Camp James summer camp for kids is made up off all types of campers and team members. Some are loud and proud, and others shy and reserved. Because of the various activities offered at Camp James, we get a wide variety of types of people. 

Make sure your child knows what to expect from going to summer camp for kids, specifically that activities are set for them as opposed to self-selected.

Families that have children with special needs should contact our office prior to registering to be sure Camp James can make the necessary accommodations.

To be a camper at Camp James summer camp for kids without parental support, a child must be able to feed, dress, and use the bathroom on their own. A child must be able to be in a group setting, transition from one location to another, and follow directions.  

Campers must be able to participate safely for themselves, peers, and camp leadership. If your child runs away, will not move during transitions, will not stay with the group or behaves in a harmful manner (towards self or others), the parents will be asked to pick up their camper. 

Referrals to more appropriate programs and refunds (for unused tuition) will be made in these circumstances. If our camp is not a good fit, we are hoping to help you find a better fit for your child’s needs. 

Get Your Camper Ready

Tips to Get Your Camper Ready for our SUMMER CAMP FOR KIDS

Is your child new to our summer camp for kids? Is it your child’s first time at summer camp? Do they need help with transitions? Here are a few helpful tips to get them ready for a summer at Camp James and make the transition as smooth as possible!

Label your child’s belongings. Be sure to put your child’s first name on the items along with the group name. Putting the group name on it will help us return it to the counselor of that group.

Sunscreen your child before you get to Camp James summer camp for kids. Be sure to leave your child with some sunscreen as well to bring to camp. Our staff will help facilitate and remind campers to re-apply. Spray sunscreen works very well for quick coverage, and a sunscreen stick is super helpful for application to the face.

Teach your child to use their “sock lockers” (also known as shoes) so that when they remove their shoes, the socks go in their little “sock lockers” and you might have better luck bringing both socks home at the end of the day.

Have your child pack their own back pack even if they are younger. This allows them to have practice with self reliance, and know what their towel looks like, what kind of sunscreen they have, get their refillable water bottle filled, and if they have a change of clothes what those looks like. It becomes a good teaching moment of learning to take care of their own belongings so they can be ready for camp.

Leave the cell phone at home. Summer camp is a time to actually connect with others in real time. Cell phones are a distraction from the fun, can get sandy and lost in the lagoon, and will be confiscated if seen by a staff member. If a camper expresses a need to call home, they can come to the office and use the camp phone.

Speaking of connecting, your child’s counselor is here for your child. Take time to share your hopes and goals with your child’s counselor. Communication is a vital part of what they do at camp. They want your child to have a magical summer be sure to let them know your concerns, positive thoughts, and ask them questions.

Allow your child to peruse our summer camp for kids website and look at some of the pictures. It will get them familiar with the activities they might get to participate in.

summer camp for kids
summer camp for kids
summer camp for kids
summer camp for kids